'24 Fall/Winter Collection Available

Returns & Exchanges

Refund information

You can start the return process within fourteen (14) days of receiving your order. You can announce your return to our customer service team via email at sales@elyseforfamily within the fourteen days deadline.

After your return arrives back to us, our team will start the quality control process. We can not refund the costs in case the return does not pass our quality control process.

We will send you a confirmation email when your return has arrived. We shall refund the total of your return after passing quality control (excluding shipping and return fees). The refund will be made to the original form of payment directly to the credit card or PayPal account with which the payment was made. This process might take up to 10-14 days.

Any unconfirmed return that arrives after the fourteen day deadline will not be eligible for a refund.

The right of refund is not available for a non-consumer entity. I.e. an enterprise which acts in the scope of its profession.

The process - Publication

Please note that we can not accept returns for this product.

How to return your unwanted product(s)

Baby Carrier

Please make sure that the products have not been used, worn, washed, modified or damaged and that all labels are still attached to the products with the disposable hang tag. Please make sure to pack each garment separately in their original packaging when returning more products in the same parcel.


Please note that every additional original tag and packaging should return with the accessories to be eligible for return.
If any of the conditions are not met we can not accept the returned parcel.

Returns and Exchanges

If you are not satisfied with the product(s) you have ordered please contact our customer service via email at sales@elyseforfamily and we will help you with your return. You can request the return of unwanted product(s) within 14 days of the delivery date. Please note that item(s) must be returned to us in their original (re-saleable) condition with all labels and additional supplementaries attached.