'24 Fall/Winter Collection Available


What are the main differences between each of the carriers?

First, we’ll give you the short answer and then we’ll give you more details. 

  • The Skin-to-Skin Top is especially designed to support skin-to-skin contact from the moment of birth
    up to 2-3 months .
  • The Stretchy Waist Wrap is the perfect transition between the Skin-to-Skin Top and our other carriers. 
  • The Ring Sling is perfect when you need to throw on a carrier for shorter wear times. 
  • The Elysé Carrier is the perfect supporter for the longer wearing/carrying times from the early months until the end of your baby-carrying period - maybe at about 2-3 years.

Now, here are the more detailed answers: 

  • The skin-to-skin period is a very sensitive, short period for babies and moms as well, not just because of the postpartum, but in this period both of you need to get used to not living anymore in one body, but in two. For your baby to live and function on their own, without the umbilical cord…breathing, eating, digesting, and keeping the heat of their own body can be challenging and uncomfortable. So they need that skin-to-skin time to help them adjust more comfortably to these big changes. This period can also be a hard time for you: living a different life than you’ve been living for the last 9 months…and from before your pregnancy! Being a mom, body changes, sleep changes, being everything for your little baby, worrying if you’re doing the right thing for your baby…if you’re good enough…the list goes on - it’s a lot to adjust to for you too! Skin-to-skin contact helps you adjust as well. The Skin-to-Skin Top is designed to maximally support both you and your baby during this period in our softest - but very supportive - organic fabric.
  • The Stretchy Waist Wrap is the perfect transition between the Skin-to-Skin Top and our other carriers. It’s still super soft and stretchy, but strong enough to hold your baby in the correct M position. It gives you the ability to freely move into the world and in life - confidently, together with your baby. And your baby can still enjoy the skin contact while gently and slowly getting to know the world with you right there with them. 
  • The Ring Sling is a great everyday carrier for running around the house, popping out for quick trips, for easily coming and going when you need to carry your baby for shorter distances or timeframes.  
  • The Elysé carrier is the perfect supporter for the longer “journey” as well as shorter outings from the early months until the end of your baby-carrying times. It fully adjusts to your baby’s growing body, and has a stylish and minimalist design for both form and function.
Carrier wash and care tips
  • The most important care tip is not to be afraid to wash all of our carriers.  
  • Don’t use fabric softener on any of the carriers because softeners have chemicals that change the fabric structure and, therefore, the functional usage of the fabrics. For example, they can make fabrics less supple or smooth, or they can make them too sticky which disrupts the way they should function. 
  • Preferably, do not tumble dry. All of the carriers can air dry overnight. 
  • Please follow our care recommendations on each product label to ensure a long and good life for your carrier.
Eco-friendly materials
  • We’re mindful about every single piece of fabric we work with. So anytime we can use organic and eco-certificated materials, we do. Even our labels are 100% cotton. And the carrier storage bags are also 100% recycled, undyed cotton.

We use only certified fabrics:

Benefits of babywearing
  • Bonding with your baby
  • The comfort of physical contact 
  • Handy for easy breastfeeding 
  • Helps reduces crying
  • Gives you freedom to move around
  • Calms your baby
  • Helps keep your baby safe
  • Helps you quickly respond to your baby 
  • Reduces postpartum depression
When can I start babywearing?

Baby carriers can be used from birth.

What are the rules for safe babywearing?

We recommend following the T.I.C.K.S rule for safe babywearing:


Your carrier should be worn snugly against you to securely hold your baby. A comfortably snug carrier will allow you and baby to move as one and prevent your baby from unnecessary shifting or slumping. A snugly-worn carrier also helps avoid additional pressure or discomfort on your body. 


When your baby is in a carrier, you should always be able to see their face and easily check for any airway obstructions or issues. Make sure there isn’t fabric from your clothes or the carrier or anything else completely covering your baby’s face. Frequent checks help you and your baby stay in sync. 


An easy way to make sure your baby is positioned high enough on your torso is to tip your head down to give them a kiss on the top of the head. You should be able to kiss the top of your baby’s head when they’re in the carrier. If your baby is too low, then you probably need to wear your waistband higher on your body. 


A major concern is when your baby is slumping over, it can cause an obstructed airway. To help make sure your baby is in an optimal position, you should be able to get two fingers width between your baby’s chin and chest. With their chin off of their chest, your baby will have a clear airway to rest and relax in the carrier. 


If your carrier is snug, your baby’s back will be supported in its natural ergonomically correct position. An unsupported back may allow for too much movement or slumping. The panel or fabric of your carrier should keep your baby snug against you in all positions. 

Remember T.I.C.K.S. babywearing tips to keep your baby safe in the carrier while you bond.

Why is a correct carrier position so important?

A good carrier position supports the physical development of your baby. The wrong position can hamper this development and can lead to hip dysplasia, a deformity of the hips where the head of the hip is not correctly positioned in the hip socket.

What is the correct way to carry your baby or child?

The “5-star position” is the perfect starting principle:

1 * Your child’s posture is centered around the butt and thighs: your baby’s weight should be supported by their butt, thighs and back, and it should be nicely distributed over the shoulders, hips and back of the carrier wearer.

2 * Your baby is sitting deep in the baby carrier. You can ensure your baby adopts this position by sliding your hands under your baby’s butt and tilting their hips towards you. 

3 * The M-position helps the hips develop well and avoid hip dysplasia. In this position, the baby’s legs are spread outward (angle < 30°) away from the spine and the hips are tilted (see 2*). The knees are clearly higher than the pelvis.

4 * The arms are folded upwards, so your child can react alertly and move around optimally.

5 * Your baby adopts a natural posture, where the head is in line with the spine and they have enough space to breathe freely at all times.

When should I stop babywearing?

This is unique to each child and their particular needs. There’s no cut off point where you have to stop babywearing. Like with breastfeeding, bed-sharing or any other thing that involves both you and your child, the point to stop is when one or both of you is ready to stop.

Can I wear my baby on my back?

We suggest that back carrying could start from around 4-6 months when your baby is showing good, strong and consistent head control. If you think you need to back carry earlier than this - which is often the case with parents of multiples - please talk to your baby’s healthcare provider first.

Can I breastfeed in my carrier?

Feeding a baby in a carrier is totally doable. It may not be easy at first, but with a little patience and practice, you and your baby will get the hang of it in no time.

If you choose to breastfeed while your baby is in a sling or carrier: keep your baby's face in view at all times. Keep your baby in an upright position and make sure your baby's face is clear and their chin is off their chest. Check on your baby often and listen for sucking noises.

What is the correct posture for a baby in a carrier?

The M-position is a natural clinging position for infants – also known as the Spread-Squat Position. This is recommended as a healthy habit with the thighs spread around the parent’s torso and the hips bent so the knees are slightly higher than the butt with the thighs supported.

Why should I not use fabric softener when washing my carriers?

Fabric softeners have chemicals that change the fabric structure and, therefore, the functional usage of the fabrics. For example, they can make fabrics less supple or smooth, or they can make them too sticky which disrupts the way they should function.
